Training Times

Wednesday Evening

7:15pm to 8:15pm | Warringah Aquatic Centre, Frenchs Forest

Sunday Morning

8:00am to 9:00am | Warringah Aquatic Centre, Frenchs Forest

Race training

Leading up to State and Nationals

  • Sat 25 Jan - 4.30 to 5.30 - 4 lanes (5-8) max 20 swimmers

  • Sat 22 Feb - 4.30 to 5.30 - 4 lanes (5-8) max 20 swimmers

  • Sat 22 Mar - 4.30 to 5.30 - 4 lanes (5-8) max 20 swimmers

  • Sat 5 April - 4.30 to 5.30 - 4 lanes (5-8) max 20 swimmers


Training Fee | $5.00

Pool entry fee

Adult | $9.80

Adult concession | $7.80

Senior card holder | $7.20

Spectator | $4.40

Swimmers must be a member of a NSW Masters Swimming Club to train with us, other than ‘try-outs’

You must renew your 2024 Membership to train with us (insurance requirement)

Book and pay your training fee online before the session.

New members

Check out our membership fees if you’d like to join us and learn all about our sessions.


Warringah Aquatics Centre
1 Aquatic Dr, Frenchs Forest, NSW

All about our training sessions



Your health and safety is importance to us. You must be vaccinated against COVID-19 and tell us if you have any soreness or injuries.


Choosing the right lane

Our coaches will place you in a lane with other swimmers of a similar ability. If you’re doing a rep and feel that you could swim faster, let the person in front know you’d like to pass.

New terminology

There’s lots of terminology to get used when training with a squad. Check out out glossary with all the words and their meaning.


Bring your kit

We often use flippers and kick-boards so bring along all your pool toys to each session. You never know what drills the coaches have in mind, so best be prepared!

The training set

A whiteboard on the pool deck shows the training set. This will help you understand the reps, sets and recovery times.


Be on time.

We start the sessions right on their starting time. Please respect the coaches and your training partners by turning up on time.

New swimmers


Four-week Tryout Offer

If you have not been a Masters swimmer in Australia, you can swim at any of our training sessions for four weeks from your first swim without having to join. To continue swimming with us, you will need to join the club.


Training schedule

We train twice a week, Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings at the Warringah Aquatic Centre (WAC). All sessions are coached and cover:

  • Drills and stroke technique, and

  • Main sets that focus on various aspects of swimming eg varied pace, sprint (anaerobic) focus; over distance competition focus (more than 50m); aerobic focus.

It’s a 50m pool but is generally configured for 25m at the times when we train.


Wednesday night sessions - 7:15pm to 8:15pm

Wednesday night swimmers complete between 2,300 and 3,100 metres in the hour. We swim in the shallow end and have between 3 to 5 lanes and cater for around 25 swimmers. The swimmers on Wednesday have come to be a bit more concentrated with faster swimmers wanting to increase training frequency, hence the longer session distance.


Sunday morning sessions - 8:00am to 9:00am

Swimmers on Sunday morning complete between 1,800 and 3,000 metres during the session (Lane 1 excepted). We train in the deep end.

For swimmers out of practice / condition it can be good to start off on the Sundays where with 7 to 8 lanes available we have a bit more flexibility to balance swimmers of mixed ability.

Occasionally, the Sunday session is suspended when it coincides with a local Masters Swimming NSW State Championship and our own carnival.


COVID considerations

As a risk management measure we have adopted ’no full vax, no swim’ policy. This is because we have quite a large component of over 60s swimmers through to their 90s, and some of them live in retirement complexes. We are very keen to minimise potential exposure to COVID, given in training we have up to 5 swimmers per lane and are therefore unavoidably in close proximity to each other.

While we do not mandate having had booster shots, we strongly encourage swimmers to be considerate toward the health needs of others and take up their COVID vaccine booster shots where appropriate.


COVID status questionnaire requirement

Before training with us, there’s a one-off COVID questionnaire you must complete.

Scan the completed form and email to us, or bring on the day of your first session with some ID (drivers license / passport etc).

This is a club requirement and separate from the online membership application.


Our on-deck duty coaches are qualified through the Masters Swimming Australia (MSA) Club Coach Accreditation Program. We have at least one on-deck duty coach at every training session. We’re always keen to provide opportunities for new coaches so contact us if you’d like to know more.


Some of our club members regularly compete in NSW Masters Swimming competitions and ocean races, but that’s entirely up to you. If you just want to join our club to keep fit in a friendly group training environment then welcome aboard.

Competitions are generally once per month and each year there is a state short course (25m pool) and state long course (50m pool) championships. Before COVID some members were regularly travelling interstate for national and international competitions.

See NSW Master Swimming competition calendar for entry details.