Annual Presentations and Dinner at Belrose Hotel 29 November
Location Belrose Hotel, 5 Hews Parade, Belrose
Photo generated with the help of Google Gemini
Date Friday 29th November 2024
Time 6:30pm to 11pm - Dinner around 7.30pm
Food Three course dinner(on arrival you get a ticket to buy a free drink at the bar , white or red wine or sparkling or beer)
List any special dietary requirements, such as a vegetarian meal, when you book
Dress Christmas style of the ’60’s i.e. Bright swirling colours , Theme ‘ ODE TO THE OCTO’S)
Cost $60.00 - Additional tickets can be purchased for partners by selecting the quantity when you book
Lets all get together and make this a fun party with lots of laughter, after all its the ‘silly season’
Theme explained:
It so happens five of our club members will be octogenarians by year end, all born in 1944, This means that in the ’60’s they were having a most outrageous social life. As the 1960’s was a decade of rapid change in the world, so much so that blink for a second and you would have missed it. It was a period that finally allowed people the liberty and individuality that people had fought for and for what we take for granted nowadays.. The Beatles were in full swing, Rolling stones, The Who and heaps more, Elvis bounced back with ‘ its now or never’ ( top of the charts for ten weeks)
Us ‘octo’s may give you song, show you some pictures of that period or quote funny poetry of that period. There may even be a mermaid in the mix.
All this to make laughter, make merry and be jolly
Who knows there maybe a Christmas song of a kind in the mix.
Look forward to sharing the evening with you
Cheers (the social team)